Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winter Storm 2012 NOT Getting Me Down!

The Puget Sound area finally got hit with some serious snow this week. In my area we got around 4 inches, and places down south like Olympia got something like 14-18 inches! When we get snow on this side of the mountains the city seems to shut down. My office closed today, schools were closed, and even the fast food restaurants were operating with limited staff and hours. 

I didn't let being shut in keep me from sticking to my Weight Watchers plan and getting exercise. I decided to take a walk down to Fred Meyer to get some things to make for dinner. Driving was not an option, and I'm so glad I didn't try. People were sliding all over the road. Since temps were barely above freezing, there was ice packed under that snow. I was fine walking, except for the sleet blowing in my face. The walk to and from the store is a mile total. On the way there I was going at a decent pace, though I stepped in some deep patches of snow. On the way home, however, I struggled a bit. First of all it's uphill, second, I had 3 bags of groceries that weren't light, and third, there was snow. It took me awhile to get home, but I made it, and felt like I had walked 5 miles. The snow added some extra resistance so I got a pretty good workout today. Since there was no way I was going to drive to a meeting, I have to get weighed tomorrow, provided they won't close due to bad weather. I'm sure I lost at least 2 pounds. I will post the number when I get it. 

I made some eggplant parmesan for lunch, and for dinner I made Turkey Kielbasa black bean soup. I got both recipes from Weight Watchers and they were pretty good. I'm doing pretty good and patting myself on the back for not giving in to temptation. 

I do have PMS right now, so I'm scouring the WW cookbook I have and website for some recipes that can satisfy my cravings without going over my daily points. This is the hurdle I've been worried about getting over, but I truly believe I'll get over it. I'm opening up to trying new foods, so that helps. 

Not going to make this long as I'm tired and even though the roads will be a sheet of ice tomorrow, I have to get some rest in case they decide to open the office anyway. I posted a pic below of how the main street by my apartment looked when I took my walk.

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It's Ok to Be a Weight Watcher

It’s ok if you see me with a donut.  I am going to track it and make sure that I get in some activity to work it off. It’s ok if I ...