Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Walking to the Beat

I LOVE music. I'm eclectic. I love rap, hip-hop, pop, disco, oldies, and country. It really depends on my mood  as far as what kind of music I'll listen to while I drive, walk or workout. 

Yesterday I was in a lot of pain from this ovarian cyst I've had for over 2 years. On a side note, I am finally getting medical care for it soon. Anyway, I had taken a nap because I was so uncomfortable and the pain had kept me from having a good night's sleep the night before. When I got up from my nap, it was once again pain that woke me. Rather than sit on the couch moaning and groaning with a heating pad, I decided to take a walk. It wasn't very nice outside. It was raining a little, so I had to wear a jacket. I took my iPhone so I could listen to music. Right now all I have on it is Michael Jackson's The Number Ones album, and the single Forever by Chris Brown. It was a great walk! I walked a mile round trip, stopping at Starbucks on the way. When I was walking back, however, it was so difficult to resist that urge to dance to the music! I found myself actually walking to the beat of the music. I imagined I was on the catwalk at a fashion show. The only thing I didn't do was do a little twirl, ha, ha! I just had a sassy strut. When I was closer to my apartment building, I couldn't resist any longer, and as I came up to the building I was snapping my fingers, moving my arms a bit and singing softly. Believe me, I wanted to say "to hell with it" and dance in the parking lot, but my fear of being watched and laughed at got the best of me. That is something I need to get over one of these days. I think that to a certain extent it is ok to worry what others think of me, but if it holds me back from enjoying or expressing myself that's a problem. Perhaps with more weight loss this confidence will come. Who knows, next time you see me I might be dancing in the street! Until then, I'll be strutting to the beat of my favorite music, and smiling.

1 comment:

  1. You should always do whatever you think is right for you! ;-)

    How do you know that others are right?

    They don't know what you need and you do!

    If you feel like dancing, just do it!!!!

    Best regards,


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