Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend

I knew that at some point I'd slip up and consume way too many points in a day. I had a bad day a few days ago and decided to "eat my feelings" as my oldest daughter says. I had pizza, fried chicken and these yummy delightful potato rounds called "spuds". Even as I ate the 3 pieces of VERY cheesy pizza, that was so hot it almost burned the roof of my mouth I felt guilty. Sure I was hungry, but not THAT hungry. I was stuffed after the second piece of pizza and first piece of chicken. I didn't stop there, however. I had those spuds. They were heavenly. I think that now I am paying the price. My pants are feeling kind of snug. I checked my calendar, and it looks like that time of the month will come in about 2 weeks, so perhaps I'm just retaining water.

Whatever the case, I need to stop beating myself up. I've been doing that for the past couple days. In the past when I was having a pity party I'd eat more food. This time I haven't. I'm just trying to move on from that one episode. Things happen, people slip up. I just didn't want to this time. At a previous Weight Watchers meeting we talked about how most of us are emotional eaters. That is so me. I find that when there is no one to talk to and make me feel better, all I have to do is pop a piece of chocolate in my mouth and there is instant gratification and satisfaction. The flavor doesn't last long, but the calories do! I need to remember this when I eat something that is not really good for me, or when I turn to food for "friendship". Food can't talk to me. It can't tell me that everything is going to be ok. It can't tell me to stop. Don't get me wrong, food is not an enemy,  but if I don't make the right choices and continue to turn to food as a sort of comfort it will be my enemy that could ultimately lead to my death! Now is that a friend? I don't think so. The next time I feel like the urge to eat a cheeseburger or pizza is too much to resist, and I can't find a healthier alternative, I'll pick up the phone and call a REAL friend. A friend who won't let me do this to myself! A friend who cares that I'm using my body as a garbage dump. Ha! Take that, Food! You can't be my best friend anymore. You can be an acquaintance. I hope you understand. 

1 comment:

  1. How funny is that? We were really thinking about this same problem this same time! ;-)



It's Ok to Be a Weight Watcher

It’s ok if you see me with a donut.  I am going to track it and make sure that I get in some activity to work it off. It’s ok if I ...