Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today I had my weigh in and although I haven't reached my 10% weight loss goal, I lost a pound and still have .4 to go before I finally reach 10%. It's not as easy as I thought! Of course if I'd exercised more, tracked EVERYTHING, and stopped eating late at night I've had met that goal. It's ok. I've lost 21.6 pounds since January 4th. It's been a slow, but steady loss and I'm still happy. My clothes are loose, bras are loose, I feel better, and my blood work from my last checkup showed my cholesterol was normal. I'm in higher spirits, too. 
I find myself being less of a Negative Nancy and more like a female version of Tony Robbins, lol!

My other half and I put in our rental applications today for a bigger apartment. The apartment is lovely. I know we'll love loving there. However, I'm more excited about the basketball court. It's large and I was told it can be used for games and such. I was more excited about using the gym to teach Zumba classes. Yes, that's right, Zumba. When I lose 20% of my starting weight I'm going to take the course to become a certified Zumba instructor. It will cost close to $300 to take the one day class, HOWEVER, I'll be certified for a year, can get a discount on Zumba gear, and I can get a job teaching classes. I'd love to start with giving free classes in the gym at that apartment complex until I get comfortable in front of groups. 

That's all for now. I just wanted to say that although I still haven't hit my 10%, I'm still feeling great, and I'm not giving up. I've got this!

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It's Ok to Be a Weight Watcher

It’s ok if you see me with a donut.  I am going to track it and make sure that I get in some activity to work it off. It’s ok if I ...