Thursday, March 8, 2012

I'm THISCLOSE to 10%-Up to Date Stats

I feel like I'm one of the runners up here!

Yesterday I went to my Weight Watchers meeting and weighed in, and to my dismay, I feel short of my 10% goal by a pound and a half, though I did lose 2.5 pounds. I said, "But I was so good!" Was I really, though? I exercised almost daily, was sticking to the plan, BUT wasn't totally honest when it came to tracking. I have a scale, and try my best to measure out my portions exactly as they should be served. However, my idea of leveling off that half cup, for example, was to eat the little extra bit. I didn't track those points. It really does add up! I can track till I'm blue in the face, but if I'm not counting that taste here and there, that piece of candy, that sip of soda, or whatever it is, I'm not being honest, and therefore should not be surprised if the scale shows that.

The upside to all of this is I've lost 20 pounds since January 4th. I'm in the 10th week of the program so that's not too bad. It's a slow, yet safe weight loss. I've seen people lose weight too quickly, only to gain it back. I want to do this the right way. I didn't put all this weight on overnight, so I can't expect to lose it overnight either.

I'm not going to be alone in my weight loss journey either. My other half has decided to go to a meeting tomorrow. He knows he needs it. He's not doing it for me, he's doing it for himself. He has some health issues, and I truly believe that if he starts shedding pounds he'll feel better emotionally as well as physically. I'm proud of him for taking that first step.

Now for some up-to-date stats:

Starting weight: 222.8
Current weight: 202.6

Starting waist size: 43 inches
Current waist size: 40 inches

Starting hips size: 53 inches
Current hips size 49.5 inches

I have just a bit over a pound until I've reached a 10% loss of my starting weight, and I have a long way to go. I'm going forward, however, with optimism. 

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It's Ok to Be a Weight Watcher

It’s ok if you see me with a donut.  I am going to track it and make sure that I get in some activity to work it off. It’s ok if I ...