Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Time to Celebrate! Before and After Pics and Updated Stats!

Well folks the moment I was waiting for finally arrived-I finally have lost 10% of my starting weight. It was awesome.
When my leader weighed me I learned that I not only reached my 10% weight loss goal, I was for the first time in years under 200 pounds. It was an emotional moment. I cried a little, did a happy dance and hugged my leader. I got recognition in front of the rest of the group at meeting. It felt so good to get cheered on for my accomplishments. That was more rewarding than the nice charm holder I got. 
My leader set my next goal, which is 20% of my starting weight. I have 19 pounds to get there. I've mentioned it before, and it's worth mentioning again: Once I reach 20% I WILL take the Zumba certification class. I want to be an instructor. I WILL be an instructor!

I'm feeling pretty good, and I know that things will get even better if I keep doing what I've been doing. 
Updated stats and pics below:

Starting weight: 222.8
Today's weight: 198.4

Starting waist measurement: 43 inches
Today's measurement: 39 inches

Starting hip measurement: 53 inches
Today's measurement: 49 inches

These are before and after. The pictures on the left in each set are from January 17, 2012. The pictures on the right are from March 27, 2012. I see a difference, and FEEL a difference as well. I'm so thankful to have Weight Watchers! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time to Face the Fact: I Have Anxiety

Thursday, March 22, 2012 started out like every other day. I battled with my 8 year old to get out of bed and get dressed for school. I got showered and ready for work. Everything was the norm, until I suddenly got dizzy and broke out in a cold sweat. The apartment was not hot. It was just me. I told Paris, my 8 year old, that I didn't feel well and felt really dizzy. She told me not to drive. I shrugged off her suggestion and drove her to school anyway. Although it's only a little over a mile round trip, it was the longest mile ever to me. I was still sweating and had to roll down the window, even though it was in the 30's that morning. After I dropped her off and headed toward work, I had to pull over because I felt like I was going to black out. Why didn't I listen to my little one?

I made it home and then I began to cry, because I was very scared. I was so dizzy that I had to lie down, and I couldn't even move. I sent my boss a message letting her know I would not be able to make it in that day. Then I started to cry, because I felt so panicked. My chest began to hurt. It felt like someone was sitting on it. I was advised to call 911. The fire department was at my home before I got off of the phone with dispatch. They determined I was not suffering a heart attack, however, I was still freaked out and panicked, so I had my boyfriend take me to the emergency room. The whole way there I cried and kept apologizing for him having to leave work, which got me even more upset and caused more dizziness and pain.

I was checked in immediately, blood was drawn, I was given an EKG and X-ray and given Ativan to calm my nerves. All the tests and blood work came back fine. They could not determine the cause of my chest pain. My initial thought was that the pain meds I started taking to cope with my ovarian cyst pain were causing side effects, but I was ill for 2 days after this incident. I think that I started to get sick, and getting dizzy while driving sent me into a panic attack. I've dealt with anxiety in the past and had to take medicine, but asked to be weaned from it because I refused to be another statistic, someone that has to pop pills to be a "happy person". I've had small attacks of anxiety here and there, but it was nothing like I experienced Thursday. I think it's time to face the fact that I have this issue and may need medication to cope. Exercise is a good way to deal with it, but I can't exercise 24 hours a day. I have insurance now, so I can't use that as an excuse either. I am on the right track physically in making myself better. It's time I get better psychologically as well. I fear that if I don't, I may slip back into my old habits and gain weight again that I've worked so hard to lose. 

 Am I embarrassed to have this problem? Sure, but I need to get over myself and stop thinking I don't need help, especially if it's available to me. It doesn't make me crazy, unreliable, less of a mom or less of a friend. I'm still the same Tamara everyone knows and loves. I just need a little fine tuning is all. I know I'll be just fine. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today I had my weigh in and although I haven't reached my 10% weight loss goal, I lost a pound and still have .4 to go before I finally reach 10%. It's not as easy as I thought! Of course if I'd exercised more, tracked EVERYTHING, and stopped eating late at night I've had met that goal. It's ok. I've lost 21.6 pounds since January 4th. It's been a slow, but steady loss and I'm still happy. My clothes are loose, bras are loose, I feel better, and my blood work from my last checkup showed my cholesterol was normal. I'm in higher spirits, too. 
I find myself being less of a Negative Nancy and more like a female version of Tony Robbins, lol!

My other half and I put in our rental applications today for a bigger apartment. The apartment is lovely. I know we'll love loving there. However, I'm more excited about the basketball court. It's large and I was told it can be used for games and such. I was more excited about using the gym to teach Zumba classes. Yes, that's right, Zumba. When I lose 20% of my starting weight I'm going to take the course to become a certified Zumba instructor. It will cost close to $300 to take the one day class, HOWEVER, I'll be certified for a year, can get a discount on Zumba gear, and I can get a job teaching classes. I'd love to start with giving free classes in the gym at that apartment complex until I get comfortable in front of groups. 

That's all for now. I just wanted to say that although I still haven't hit my 10%, I'm still feeling great, and I'm not giving up. I've got this!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

There's This Thing Called a Belt

Yesterday I decided to break down and FINALLY buy a belt for my pants. Since I've so far lost a bit over 20 pounds and 3 inches off of my waist my pants have been doing some serious sagging. Also, I don't need to unbutton them to take them off. I want new clothes, but I'm holding off for a little bit because as I keep losing weight, I'll have to keep replenishing my supply of clothes, and that gets expensive. So, I found myself looking at the nice belts at Fred Meyer yesterday. To my delight, not only were they on sale, but there was a 15% off coupon for them, too. My daughter Paris was with me, and she was very impatient, and kept whining for me to hurry. I wanted to try the belts on in the fitting room, because I wanted privacy. Paris was whining about that, too, so I said this to her: "You either come with me to the fitting room so I can try these belts on, or get embarrassed because my pants fell down." She said nothing and followed me to the fitting room. :-)
I'm now the proud owner of a reversible belt-it's black on one side and brown on the other. I haven't been able to wear a belt for 2 years now. It feels good to need one. Now the challenge will be to see how long it takes until I have to tighten the belt a little more. 

In other news, I went to my weigh in today, and I had lost .4 pounds. No, it wasn't the number I expected, however, a loss is a loss, no matter how small. Each and every little bit adds years to my life and makes me healthier. I'm thankful. I've got this!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I Fought Off A Mac Attack

Tonight after work I went to Walmart to pick up a few groceries. I decide to make breakfast for dinner. I'll get more into that shortly. Anyway, it had been a few hours since I'd had lunch, and the "golden arches" of McDonald's appeared before me. They're in a lot of the Walmart stores. I had already done my shopping, but my tummy was growling. I wasn't sure I could make it home without stopping to get a hamburger. Worse, what was running through my mind was, "MAC ATTACK! MAC ATTACK!" I wanted a Big Mac. It's been so long since I've had one. Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Yummy! It's always been my favorite sandwich. I pushed my cart into the McDonald's looked at the menu, and then I quickly turned the cart around and made my way out of the store. I had just purchased bananas, and decided that a banana would have to do! I took one out and walked through the parking lot, with the rain pouring down on me as I ate my banana. I'm sure it was an interesting sight. I had no coat on, and I was in no hurry. I was smiling because I had resisted the urge to give in to the Big Mac, which may or may not contain all beef patties now that I think of it. :-)

A Big Mac has a 14 Points Plus value. 14!! That's just the burger. Tonight I had an 8 Points Plus breakfast for dinner and I was satisfied and didn't feel deprived. It was 3 pancakes, with mixed berries, sugar free syrup, a touch of light whipped cream, and 3 slices of turkey bacon. The pancakes were made of 1/3 cup of fat free cottage cheese, a package of oatmeal, and 1/3 cup of Egg Beaters. It was surprisingly good! In fact I could only eat 1/2 of my meal! 

This was taken before I put whipped cream on them. 

Believe me, there will come a day when I give into temptation and have a Big Mac, but right now, I'm ok without one. I can make my own Big Mac. I can use REAL beef or ground turkey, make my own sauce that has ingredients I can pronounce and add some real minced onions, not dehydrated ones. Maybe I can call it the Big Mama. :-) 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I'm THISCLOSE to 10%-Up to Date Stats

I feel like I'm one of the runners up here!

Yesterday I went to my Weight Watchers meeting and weighed in, and to my dismay, I feel short of my 10% goal by a pound and a half, though I did lose 2.5 pounds. I said, "But I was so good!" Was I really, though? I exercised almost daily, was sticking to the plan, BUT wasn't totally honest when it came to tracking. I have a scale, and try my best to measure out my portions exactly as they should be served. However, my idea of leveling off that half cup, for example, was to eat the little extra bit. I didn't track those points. It really does add up! I can track till I'm blue in the face, but if I'm not counting that taste here and there, that piece of candy, that sip of soda, or whatever it is, I'm not being honest, and therefore should not be surprised if the scale shows that.

The upside to all of this is I've lost 20 pounds since January 4th. I'm in the 10th week of the program so that's not too bad. It's a slow, yet safe weight loss. I've seen people lose weight too quickly, only to gain it back. I want to do this the right way. I didn't put all this weight on overnight, so I can't expect to lose it overnight either.

I'm not going to be alone in my weight loss journey either. My other half has decided to go to a meeting tomorrow. He knows he needs it. He's not doing it for me, he's doing it for himself. He has some health issues, and I truly believe that if he starts shedding pounds he'll feel better emotionally as well as physically. I'm proud of him for taking that first step.

Now for some up-to-date stats:

Starting weight: 222.8
Current weight: 202.6

Starting waist size: 43 inches
Current waist size: 40 inches

Starting hips size: 53 inches
Current hips size 49.5 inches

I have just a bit over a pound until I've reached a 10% loss of my starting weight, and I have a long way to go. I'm going forward, however, with optimism. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

4.2 is the Magic Number!

Today I went to the doctor for a check up and to see if I can get my ovarian cyst treated. To make a long story short, things are in place to get treatment. First I'll try a birth control pill that has a higher dose of estrogen than I'm already taking and then in 3 months time I'll follow up with him to see if that's helped. If not, we'll go from there. It was nice to talk to someone who seems genuinely interested in my well-being. I'm on the road to recovery where my reproductive system is concerned. 

Now, regarding my weight loss journey. Part of the process when you visit the doctor is to get blood pressure and weight checked. Tomorrow is my weigh in at Weight Watchers. I asked the nurse if I could turn around and that she not reveal my weight. I wanted so badly to see my number, but if I've reached my goal of losing 10% of my starting weight (or 4.2 pounds since last week) I want to share that with the leader and the members at my meeting tomorrow. I am all about being the center of attention for something like this! I love the recognition. We'll see what happens tomorrow, and of course I'll give an update here. 

Before I go, I wanted to share a picture that another Weight Watchers member shared on Facebook. It really makes you rethink getting upset over just a pound of weight loss. Knowing I've so far lost 17.8 of this is mind blowing! 

It's Ok to Be a Weight Watcher

It’s ok if you see me with a donut.  I am going to track it and make sure that I get in some activity to work it off. It’s ok if I ...